Posted by Jon Nicholls on Friday, February 6, 2009
Under: creativity
I've been experimenting with a Web 2.0 tool called Scrapblog. It's free (unless you want access to premium content which you pay for with credits) and is very intuitive. In essence, you can create a multi-page visual journal by dragging and dropping various design elements (backgrounds, frames, stickers, photos etc.) onto your pages. You can use images from your Flickr account and editing your pages is really easy. It is possible to create a fairly sophisticated design from scratch in a few minutes. You can also select from lots of templates to get you started. The finished project can be shared in a variety of ways or kept private. I think it could be a really useful tool for students to use in art and design, since it allows yo to experiment with the design of critical studies pages, for example. It might also work for students at KS3, especially those who like to represent their learning visually.